Thursday, November 13, 2008

In My Pocket

There's a song out that I love. It's by Sam Sparro, and it's called "Pocket." You really have to listen to it. It's basically based on the old saying about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. Well, that's what I'm doing, but I have a suspicion that it's being done to me, too. I'm talking about my ex-husband and I. You see, I'm being very nice and cooperative with him right now, and well, he bought us a treadmill for no reason. I suspect that he did this because child support is coming up for review and he wants to tell the judge he did this kind gesture instead of taking his kids out one night a week for the past three years, or spending his 3 weeks of possible vacation time annually with them actually with them. I suspect that the fact that he has a new job, isn't paying maintenance, and doesn't have to pay for any of the over-the-counter medicines my kids daily need but insurance won't cover, is making him nervous about the 3-year review of our case. Knowing how his mind works, I suspect he thinks he can now buy himself out of more support. I, on the other hand, see this donation to us as a gift. He opted to give us a nice gift right before Christmas. After all, we can't eat or wear the treadmill. So, when we're hungry and naked walking on it, he thinks he's a hero. Funny, I didn't see that as an option on the child support form. I wonder if the judge will? Anyhow, for now, I'm being kind to my enemy, so that creates less stress in my world. After all, I know what will be hitting the fan soon enough, and how difficult that time is going to be. So, I'll catch my breath, enjoy the peace, and know deep down I don't trust him anymore today than I did the day I divorced him.


Doobie Star said...

What an amazing mother and woman you are!!! I'm proud to call you my friend!!!

Shelley said...

Continue to stay strong, sister!

jensbiz said...

Hang in there girl! Although I've always known you to be kind and generous, you are smart to also be cautious! Happy Thanksgiving to you and the boys!! (Exclamaions in 2's) :)

jensbiz said...
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